Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Nothing could interest more to him than a grand display of the unplayed piano in front of the class when the teacher looked almost like Albert Einstein reciting Shakespeare's love poems. He could not concentrate on the lessons being taught and all he could hear was this absurdity close to "God bless America" being sung in Arabic.

He glanced around the entire class just to bounce out of this current classic boredom. There and then, from the corner of his eyes, he saw someone. Everything else disappeared out of his vision.

That might have almost been when his meet-cute shyly started quietly, and secretly.

He was early that day to class and found himself alone without anyone around but that piano. His childhood mischievous behavior overshadowed his reluctance to get up to the stage towards the center. He was just than a mere lost little boy in this brand new town but that instant, he almost felt like he was about to bow down before hundreds of audiences before he commenced his play.

It was clearly not Debussy's Claire De Lune. The boy's Starlit Waltz shakily echoed up the entire theater. He got carried away and could not care less if the principle came in and got him expelled from class for manipulating class property without any permission. But guess who made an entrance into the hall?


It was her, peeking through the half opened door not knowing what to expect and what was going on. All she saw was a nervous-looking boy up on the stage with no one else around but the piano. She blushed away and quickly turned back to the hallway thinking that it was the wrong class. But wait, it was not. It might have been the same boy whom she had been seeing from the corner of her eyes. Except from that this time, her eyes met those of his for a second, for the first time.

Assumption: The girl may have went to the library instead just to kill time and embarrassment at first but somehow got carried away with her much interested photography books, she realized a little too late on how late she was for class. When she peeked through the class for the second time, it was filled with students and the teacher. The only seat left available for her without having to catwalk pass the entire class would be that of ... that, for the last couple of days, she had been peeking through from the corner of her eyes so much. "Hmm, I wonder whom she might be sitting next to!"