Just in a heartbeat it passes right through me electrifyingly—when my eyes meet the unexpected.
An aura of comfort that was incomprehensible to be felt or be seen in the past from all the wrong point of views can, once and for all, be felt or be seen at the very moment.
Same thing can be heard translucently transcending from those chuckles with little to no known pretence.
Only if I can hit that genuine note to break the barrier on the other side—to be heard, be felt, or be seen!
Nothing really there is like this mischievous Dennis-the-Menace smile that would make my day last through a million light years.
Page after page I am turning this imaginary flip book of mine and the illusive shifts in those caring watchful eyes begin to stir up and dance under the starry night sky.
Oh you, my little muse! Please sing that all-time-favorite song of yours just for me to be heard, be felt, or be seen.
While waiting for that waning moon to at last dissolve into the darkest of night, those little spur-of-the-moment surprises bestowed in you give me an extra burst of continuity.
Eternally you are engrained in me.
Running around this abandoned old factory, I remember you as you are.
Such as you are, you are my little muse, my little imaginary flip book, my continuity, my favorite song, ....... my soulmate !
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